Bar exam study passes will be available on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 9:00am at the first floor reference desk for non-Brooklyn Law School graduates. The fee is $50.00 for most law school graduates. The fee for graduates of Pace University Law School is $100.00. Graduates of Fordham University Law School, see the reference librarian. Please bring two pieces of identification, including your law school ID card. The individual purchasing the pass must have graduated in the previous twelve months. If the law school ID card is not available, a letter from the law school with the date of graduation may be substituted.
The library reserves the right to limit the number of passes for sale.
The purchase of a bar exam study pass entitles the individual to use the facilities of the BLS Library with the exception of the computer workstations and printers, wireless access and the study/conference rooms.
Bar exam study for non-BLS graduates is a courtesy that the library extends to non-BLS individuals. This access is subject to visitors complying with all library rules and policies. Any non-BLS graduate who violates any rule or policy will lose his or her right to use the library for the remainder of the bar exam study period and will forfeit any fees paid.