Return Your Library Books Before the Break

Attention all students! Remember to return your library books on or before Tuesday, December 22, 2015. It is the due date for all semester loans. If you do not turn in your books on or before December 22, you will incur fines. If you are unsure whether or not you have items checked out to you or if you have incurred any fines, you can log into your library account from the SARA catalog. You log into your account with your BLS credentials (first name.last name and your BLS password). Once logged in, you can see the items currently checked out to you, along with the items’ due dates. If you would like, you can renew any overdue item. You can also view your complete fine history, including outstanding fines and fines paid. Finally, you can review and update your personal information the library has on file, including your mailing address, phone numbers, and email address.