The Brooklyn Law School Library is excited to announce a new and improved version of SARA, our library catalog. The new version is better suited to research in the 21st century. For example, its search screen and search algorithm are more modern than the old version of SARA, showing book jacket images of newly acquired titles, and assuming fuzzy searching, which forgives a researcher’s typographical errors or misspellings. After running a search, researchers can further refine their result list by values on the left hand side of the screen. For example, they can filter their results by topic, author, or place. They can also limit their result list to only items currently available in the library. Another useful feature is that a researcher can subscribe to a RSS feed of the result list. If she does so, every time the library adds a new title that meets the search parameters the item will appear in that researcher’s RSS feed.
Besides these new capabilities, users can login to view their library account. Once logged in, users can see what items they currently have checked out, along with the items’ due dates. This list will include overdue items. If a user would like, they can renew any overdue item online while logged into the system. Users can also view their complete fine history, including outstanding fines and fines paid. Finally, users can review their personal information the library has on file, including their mailing address, phone numbers, and email address. The library staff is very excited about the new transparency the system provides for our users. We hope you find value in it too.