110th BLS Commencement at Lincoln Center

On Monday, June 6, 2011, Brooklyn Law School held its 110th Commencement Ceremony at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. For the BLS Class of 2011, some 437 graduating students received their Juris Doctor degrees. Family and friends heard Hon. Thomas Buergenthal, professor of law at The George Washington School of Law and recently retired judge of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, deliver an address to the graduates. Judge Buergenthal urged the graduates to remember their duty as lawyers to protect the international human rights of all people, even during this time of economic uncertainty. Class Valedictorian, Alex Paul Ginsberg, an evening part-time student, gave the valedictory speech to his classmates. Ginsburg, who received the First Scholarship Prize, acknowledged his parents Marc and Judith Ginsberg in the audience of Avery Fisher Hall. The Ginsbergs usually appear on stage as violinists with the New York Philharmonic.

Among the Class of 2011, seven received their degrees Summa Cum Laude: Ryan M. Gainor, Stanton R. Gallegos, Alex Paul Ginsberg, Heather Marie Martone, Jordan Hollenberg Oreck, Carmela T. Romeo, Andrew T. Schwenk, Elina Shindelman, and Sarah Haith Young. Thirty-three students received their degrees Magna Cum Laude and sixty-seven students received their degrees Cum Laude. The full list of students graduating with honors is here. A list of Commencement Prizes and Awards for the Class of 2011 is available here.