As recent BLS graduates prepare to take the New York State bar exam next week, and we wish them luck, those individuals admitted to Brooklyn Law School for fall 2018 are preparing to begin their legal studies next month. There is much to prepare for: move into Feil Hall or a new apartment, explore a new neighborhood, attend welcome events and orientation sessions, purchase text books, meet other 1Ls, etc.
The library has a number of books geared to helping new students get off to the best possible start. Listed below are some of those titles. Good luck as you begin your legal career!
Critical Reading for Success in Law School and Beyond by Jane Bloom Grise. St. Paul, MN, West Academic Publishing, 2017. Call No.: Main KF 283 .G75 2017.
Demystifying the First Year of Law School: A Guide to the 1L Experience by Albert Moore and David Binder, New York, NY, Wolters Kluwer, 2010. Call No.: Main KF 283 .M66 2010.
Finding Your Voice In Law School: Mastering Classroom Cold Calls, Job Interviews, and Other Verbal Challenges, by Molly Shadel, Durham, NC, Carolina Academic Press, 2013. Call No.: Main KF 283 .S52 2013.
Get a Running Start: Your Comprehensive Guide to the First Year Curriculum by David Gray, et al., St. Paul, MN, West Academic Publishing, 2016. Call No.: Main KF 283 .G739 2016.
Navigating the First Year of Law School : A Practical Guide to Studying Law by G. Nicholas Herman, et al., Durham, NC, Carolina Academic Press, 2016. Call No.: Main KF 283 .H47 2016.
Open Book: The Inside Track to Law School Success by Barry Friedman and John Goldberg, New York, NY, Wolters Kluwer, 2016. Call No.: Main KF 283 .F75 2016.
Law School 101: How to Succeed in Your First Year of Law School and Beyond by R. Stephanie Good, Naperville, IL, Sphinx Publishing, 2009. Call No.: Main KF 283 .G66 2009.
A Short & Happy Guide to Being a Law Student by Paula Franzese, St. Paul, MN, west Academic Publishing, 2014. Call No., Main KF 283 .F735 2014.
What Every Law Student Really Needs to Know: An Introduction of the Study of Law, by Tracey George and Suzanna Sherry, New York, NY, Wolters Kluwer, 2016. Call No.: Main KF 283 .G46 2016.