New on Library Website: OneSearch

The next time you visit the library’s website, you’ll notice we’ve made a change to our home page.  Instead of a search box for our SARA catalog, you can now search the catalog plus multiple databases using our new service, OneSearch.

You can choose to search only a specific type of material by using the Books or Articles tabs, or see whether the library has a particular e-journal with the E-Journals tab.  If full-text is available, OneSearch will provide a link.

If you prefer to search only the SARA catalog, just check the box that says “SARA catalog only.”

Some of our databases are not included in OneSearch results: e.g., OneSearch does not search within Lexis, Westlaw, or Bloomberg/BNA.  However, it does search HeinOnline, Academic Search Premier, JSTOR, and other journal databases.

If you have questions about OneSearch, speak to a reference librarian.