Capers on Justice Sotomayor

Brooklyn Law School Law Professor I. Bennett Capers has posted  Reading Michigan v. Bryant, “Reading” Justice Sotomayor on SSRN. The full text of the article is available in the March 2014 edition of the Yale Law Journal Forum at this link. The abstract reads:

What are we to make of Justice Sotomayor’s criminal procedure jurisprudence? This Essay attempts to answer that question by offering three readings of her Confrontation Clause decision in Michigan v. Bryant. All three close readings, coupled with details from her memoir, serve as the basis for a “reading” of Justice Sotomayor. In toto, these readings reveal Justice Sotomayor to be precedent-bound, except when she’s not, and to be progressive, but not above using conservative methodologies to get her way. And while there is much to applaud in her jurisprudence, there are dangers too. And hope.