Wally Gobetz, Washington DC: Capitol Hill: United States Capital, Flickr Photostream (June 6, 2009), www.flickr.com/photos/wallyg/3777337913/lightbox/
Whether you are tracing a statute’s history for your summer internship or for a paper you are writing, you will want to use a new tool the library recently acquired, Proquest’s Legislative Insight. Often researching legislative histories can be cumbersome and time consuming. Legislative Insight promises to streamline the process by digitizing and by publishing online the majority of full text publications associated with a legislative history. These documents include all versions of enacted and related bills, Congressional Record excerpts, and committee hearings, reports, and documents. Legislative Insight also includes other related material such as committee prints, CRS reports and Presidential signing statements. Furthermore, Legislative Insight offers a research citation page that not only links to the full text of the associated primary source publications, but allows the user to do a Search Within from that very page that searches the full text of all the associated publications with one-click.
To access Legislative Insight from off-campus, you first need to implement the proxy instructions.