Episode 074 – Conversation with Prof. Marsha Garrison.mp3
In this podcast, Brooklyn Law School Professor Marsha Garrison discusses the forthcoming book, Marriage at a Crossroads (2012) which she co-edited with Prof. Elizabeth S. Scott of Columbia Law School. The book has articles by legal scholars and social scientists examining marriage at a time when advocates for same-sex marriage are clamoring for the right to marry while heterosexual couples are marrying less than in the past. Marriage at a Crossroads, due for publication later this year by Cambridge University Press, examines contemporary marriage in historical and social context and explores alternative policy paths at this critical juncture. It captures the complexity of the current political and ideological debate about marriage through contributions by authors of widely varying perspectives. The introduction to the book states: “A generation from now, marriage may be quite different than it is today. Will marriage be less or more important as a family form? Will access to marriage be extended to couples who cannot marry today? Will lawmakers increase or reduce support for marriage?” This book provides tools to resolve these questions.