Episode 060 – Conversation with Jameson Dempsey, Class of 2011.mp3
In this podcast, Jameson J. Dempsey, BLS Class of 2011 and Editor-in-Chief of the Brooklyn Law Review, talks about his experience as a member and editor of the oldest student-run legal periodical at Brooklyn Law School. The Law Review celebrated its 75th anniversary earlier this year. The first of the four issues of Volume 76 is set for publication in the next few weeks. Each issue has articles written by legal scholars, practitioners and judges, as well as notes and comments written by student members. Jameson discusses his own student note, A Right of Confrontation for Competition Hearings before the European Commission, 75 Brook. L. Rev. 1489 (Summer 2010), where he addresses implementing a right of confrontation jurisprudence in cartel enforcement proceedings in the European Union. He also offers suggestions for 1Ls who are considering joining one of the law journals at Brooklyn Law School.