Law students do not have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to understanding legal topics they encounter in class. Secondary sources provide a great deal of research that will save a lot of time and effort. One of the best secondary sources is the legal treatise. Legal treatises provide an in-depth look at a particular subject. Students should become familiar with some of the major treatises in areas of law that they are researching. Recently ZiefBrief, the blog of the University of San Francisco’s Law Library, provided some links to web pages listing treatises by subject. Here are some useful compilations of treatises by subject:
- Treatises and Services by Subject – Kent Olson
- Legal Treatises by Subject – Meg Krible’s libguide (Harvard Law Library)
- Georgetown Law Library Treatise Finder
- Pace Law Library’s Subject Guide to Legal Treatises
SARA, the Brooklyn Law School Library’ catalog will help students find in its collection treatises both in print and online through Westlaw or LexisNexis. For example, 1Ls in the Criminal Law course, will find in SARA the treatise Wharton’s Criminal Law (KF9219 .W48 1993) both in print in the Main collection and online through Westlaw (database identifier CRIMLAW). Wherever students find them, in most cases, treatises will help to get the research process started.