Episode 028 – Conversation with Robert Taichman, Class of 2008

Episode 028 – Conversation with Robert Taichman, Class of 2008.mp3

In this conversation, graduating 3L Rob Taichman talks about his legal studies at BLS including an Advanced Legal Research course taught by the BLS librarians. To demonstrate the skills he learned in that course, Rob created a web page called Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace: a Research Guide to the Laws, Articles and Current Events Regarding the Monitoring of Employees’ Email Correspondence and Internet Usage. In addition to discussing his web guide for the course, Rob tells of a recent law firm newsletter Social Networking Websites and the Workplace that could be useful to his fellow graduates as they enter the workforce.

Before coming to BLS, Rob was awarded his BA from NYU College of Arts and Science in New York. He expects to receive his JD at the BLS commencement ceremonies on June 4 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center. Judge George Bundy Smith, partner of Chadbourne & Parke LLP and retired Associate Judge of the New York Court of Appeals will give the commencement address. Rob will be one of 470 BLS students receiving JD degrees. Of that number, 100 BLS students will graduate with honors. According to Suzanne Dennis, the Registrar at BLS, eleven students earned their JD in October 2007, fourteen in February 2008 and the remaining 445 completed studies in June 2008. Of the 470 total JD recipients, 243 or 52% are women, 51 or 11% are part-time students. One student is earning a foreign trained lawyer certificate.