Summer Reading Suggestions

Summer draws near and now is a good time to check out the local library for reading material other than casebooks while away from school. The Law and Politics Book Review has published a special issue devoted to fiction with reviews of 22 American, British and European novels from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Here is the list with links to the reviews. The BLS library call numbers are included for items (including videos) in our collection.

Abbey, Edward, The Monkey Wrench Gang Reviewed by Darren Botello-Samson

Asimov, Isaac, I, Robot Reviewed by Susan M. Behuniak

Atwood, Margaret, The Handmaid’s Tale Reviewed by Kathleen A. Cameron

Campbell, Bebe Moore, Your Blues Ain’t Like Mine Reviewed by Angela Mae Kupenda

Camus, Albert, The Stranger Reviewed by David S. Mann

Carofiglio, Gianrico, Involuntary Witness Reviewed by Christoph Konrath

Dickens, Charles, Bleak House (BLS Library Call # PR4556 .A1 1992) Reviewed by R. B. Bernstein

Drury, Allen, Advise and Consent Reviewed by Trevor Parry-Giles

Grisham, John, A Time to Kill (BLS Library Call # PS3557.R53 T562 1996 (VIDEO)) Reviewed by Laura J. Hatcher

Guterson, David, Snow Falling on Cedars (BLS Library Call # PS3557.U846 S65 1995) Reviewed by Margaret S. Hrezo

Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World Reviewed by Tracy Lightcap

Kafka, Franz, The Trial (BLS Library Call # PT2621.A26 T75 1998 (VIDEO)) Reviewed by Adelaide H. Villmoare

Lee, Harper, To Kill a Mockingbird (BLS Library Call # PN1997 .T59 1998 (VIDEO)) Reviewed by Richard A. Glenn

McEwan, Ian, Saturday Reviewed by Lynne S. Viti

Melville, Herman, Billy Budd, Sailor Reviewed by Stephen A. Simon

Motley, Willard, Knock on Any Door Reviewed by Walter J. Kendall III

Rowling, J.K., Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Reviewed by Bruce Peabody

Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Reviewed by Simon Stern

Twain, Mark, Pudd’nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins Reviewed by Christopher P. Banks

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., Cat’s Cradle Reviewed by Stephen McDougal

Warren, Robert Penn, All the King’s Men Reviewed by Susan McWilliams

Wolfe, Tom, The Bonfire of the Vanities Reviewed by David Schultz

Source: Law Librarian Blog, dated April 25, 2008