Episode 008 – Interview with CLARO/SAG student coordinators

Episode 006 – Interview with CLARO/SAG student coordinators.mp3

CLARO/SAG (the Civil Legal Advice and Resource Office Student Action Group) provides BLS students with pro bono opportunities in a weekly clinic at the Kings County Civil Court where unrepresented litigants who are being sued for consumer debt can get free legal advice. Last year, volunteer attorneys and students assisted over 500 unrepresented litigants. CLARO/SAG offers the opportunity to learn about consumer debt issues and New York civil practice while helping unrepresented litigants and interacting with practicing attorneys and fellow BLS students.

In this interview, the student coordinators of CLARO/SAG talk about their work. They also discuss the video In Debt We Trust which they recently presented at a session in the Student Lounge. For more, see http://www.indebtwetrust.org/ and the trailer for the video below.

Email: CLARO@brooklaw.edu, John.Buhta@brooklaw.edu, Natalie.Peled@brooklaw.edu

Theme Music: The Undercover Hippy, Money, Money, Money. (The Undercover Hippy’s music is available through PodShow.com.)