Tag Archives: LexisNexis

LexisAdvance Has a New Look

As of today, LexisAdvance has a new look. According to Lexis, the new LexisAdvance offers a sleek, sophisticated new design, enhanced navigation and integration, as well as anywhere, any-device access.

Take a look here HERE to read more about the new LexisAdvance enhancements. You can also register for webinars on this page which are designed to help you to navigate the new Lexis interface.

Click HERE to watch video tutorials on using the new LexisAdvance, including an overview of new features and a series of “show me how” videos which demonstrate advanced skills such as working with folders, browsing sources, and Shepardizing.

If you need help using the new LexisAdvance, please see a reference librarian, we are happy to help!

Summer Access to Bloomberg, Westlaw, and Lexis (Update)

All three of the research platforms available to Brooklyn Law School students provide students access over the summer. However, there are different steps that students must take to keep their passwords activated, and some limitations do apply.


Bloomberg is offering students full access to BloombergLaw.com all summer with no academic use restriction. This means that students are able to use all of the available resources on the BloombergLaw.com platform even when performing research in their summer jobs. Passwords can be obtained by contacting our Bloomberg Account Manager, Pamela Haahr. For students who need some additional training on Bloomberg, three Prepare to Practice trainings are coming up on Tuesday, April 3rd, 5:00pm-6:00pm, Wednesday, April 11th, 1:00pm-2:00pm, and Tuesday, April 17th, 1:00pm-2:00pm, all in Room 603. To reserve a spot, email Pamela at oribe@bloomberg.net with the subject line, “Bloomberg Law Training.”


All students will automatically receive 40 hours of Westlaw and WestlawNext usage this June and July. For additional access to Westlaw and WestlawNext over the summer, students just need to register at www.lawschool.westlaw.com. Look for the image that says “Need Westlaw this summer” and follow the instructions to register. Academic use only restrictions apply for summer.  Passwords may NOT be used for research for law firms, government agencies, corporations or other purposes unrelated to law school coursework. Students graduating this year can extend their passwords by following the special link for graduates. in addition


LexisNexis will be offering students full access to Lexis Advance all summer for educational use only. To participate in this program, students need to have a registered Lexis Advance ID. This is a separate and different ID from the standard Lexis.com ID. Lexis Advance Summer Access does not include international content. Students that need access to specific content available only on Lexis.com (i.e. international materials) can content our LexisNexis Account Executive, Megan Cowden, at megan.cowden@lexisnexis.com

LexisNexis, Westlaw & Web 2.0 (posted by Jean Davis)

Tomorrow I’m training Brooklyn Journal of International Law new members in using research tools for note topic selection/development.  Below are my descriptions of the new tools that LexisNexis and Westlaw are developing to access law-related blogs, RSS feeds, free websites and more.  At present, I think that students will find clicking on links in the LexisNexis Web 2.0 Law Centers easier to use than entering queries/sorting results in Westlaw WebPlus.

Two questions that I anticipate receiving from BJIL members: Why can’t we access some of the source links in the LexisNexis Law Centers?  (My answer will be: We can access the sources available through a law school license agreement.)  Why are some of the results in Jean’s Westlaw WebPlus sample query so old?  (My answer will be: For purposes of students who are developing note topics, it does help to click tab: News Results and to sort Westlaw WebPlus results by date.  Also, we can provide comments about Westlaw WebPlus (BETA) to Westlaw through http://wwpblog.blogspot.com).

LexisNexis Web 2.0 Law Centers
LexisNexis is developing legal “communities” that provide data from blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts and other Web 2.0 tools.
TIP: Explore practice areas such as Emerging Issues, International Law and International Rule of Law.  Depending on the sources that you select, you might need to enter your LexisNexis user name and password.  (Some linked sources are not available through law school licenses.)

Westlaw WebPlus (BETA version)
Log on to
http://lawschool.westlaw.com and click: Law School tab.See: Search the Web [with Westlaw WebPlus BETA].
Westlaw has developed a Web search engine to provide data from blogs and data from government, nonprofit, educational and commercial websites.Westlaw asserts that Westlaw Web Plus focuses on “legally relevant information.”
Westlaw WebPlus, use the drop-down menu to Search for: Legal Issue or News.  For example, your search terms could be: “international law” new developments
After you obtain Westlaw WebPlus search results, if you click tab: News Results, you can sort results by date.