Visit BLS Library’s new research guide

Seeking sources about how to write a paper for a course like Animal Law?
Visit opening page: Academic Legal Writing
Links to the Fall 2022 BLS Seminar Paper Workshop Video conducted by Associate Librarian/Adjunct Professor Kathy Darvil and Visiting Assistant Professor of Legal Writing Diana Hortsch. Highlights sources on scholarly legal writing and copies of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation available in BLS Library’s Reserve collection.
Looking for overviews of current issues to help you choose a paper topic?
Visit pages: Overviews & Starting Points + Current Awareness
Animal Legal & Historical Center, Michigan State University College of Law provides 90+ Topical Introductions ranging from companion animal issues to wildlife issues. Publication dates vary.
Brooks U (of Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, Inc.) offers Animal Law Fundamentals, a developing collection of current videos and related scholarly papers on:
- Animals as Property, Quasi-Property or Quasi-Person
- Cutting Edge Issues in 21st Century Animal Food Product Labeling
- Laboratory Animal Law in the United States: Past, Present and Future
- Standing to Protect and Advocate for Animals
- Wildlife: Related Acts and State Management Issues
- The Critical Role of States in Farm Animal Confinement and Sales Laws
Brooks Institute and Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School also produce Brooks Animal Law Digest. The two available editions focus on the U.S. and Canada. Digest articles update researchers on key animal law/policy issues and link to the text of pending bills, proposed regulations, case complaints, new studies and many other sources. Review recent issues or click: “View Full Archive” to search an edition of this Digest.
Wishing you could “ask an expert” or could learn more about a hot topic in animal law?
Visit page: Events
Highlights upcoming programs like:
- March 3, 2023: Wildlife health: what is at stake? (organizer: World Organisation for Animal Health) World Wildlife Day 2023 webinar, registration required. Focus: need for wildlife conservation, current threats to wild animal species.
- March 9, 2023: Global Animal Law Research (organizer: International Legal Research Interest Group, American Society of International Law) Online, free advance registration required.
- Tip: BLS Library provides this related book containing chapters written by some of the program speakers: Global Animal Law Research: Strategies and Resources.
- March 10, 2023: Animal Law Review Symposium (host: Animal Law Review, Lewis & Clark Law School) Primarily virtual. Focus: issues re. legal protection of horses.
- March 16, 2023: Animal Rescue Law Update ($) (host: New York County Lawyers Association) Online. Focus includes: New York animal law issues. NYCLA allows employees in the public sector, attorneys who can establish financial hardship and unemployed attorneys to apply for tuition assistance to attend its programs. Apply at least one week prior to the program’s date.
- March 24, 2023: Animals and the Anthropocene: A Legal Scholarship Symposium (co-hosts: Animal Legal Education Initiative, GW Law, GW Law Environmental and Energy Law Program & GW Law chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund) Website states: “Open to everyone.” Primarily in person w/ limited option to attend remotely.
Tip for law students: Organizations often allow students to attend fee-based programs without charge. Ask!
Needing scholarly legal articles that provide in-depth analysis?
Visit page: Articles
HIghlights useful starting points such as Animal Law Commons and Animal Law eJournal.
Hoping to compare animal protection/welfare laws in different jurisdictions? Seeking model animal protection provisions?
Visit page: Laws
Links to U.S.-focused and globally-focused databases/collections of laws. Notes that ALDF recently published its 2022 U.S. State Animal Protection Laws Rankings Report.
Desiring collections of animal law cases and case-finding tools?
Visit page: Cases
Searching for information about legal careers protecting animals?
Visit page: Careers
Provides information about this free hybrid program on March 8, 2023: Randall Abate, Assistant Dean for Environmental Law Studies at GW Law, Careers in Animal Law (host: DePaul Center for Animal Law). Links to a summary of the New York Courtroom Animal Advocate Program (CAAP) bill written by Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and a form for those who wish to encourage state representatives to champion this bill. Highlights attorney Stacey Evans’ recent article: Pursuing Pet Health Equity: A Lawyer’s Passion for Pets Prompts Career Switch, 108 A.B.A. J. 28 (2022). (Available through BLS subscription database HeinOnline. Off-campus use requires implementation of the BLS Proxy Server Instructions.) Directs researchers to videos on animal law careers provided by ALDF and Brooks McCormick Jr. Animal Law & Policy Program. Notes that BLS students also can search BLSConnect for material provided by the Career Development Center.
Wanting help to identify material to support your animal law research?
Email: or text: (718) 734-2432