Whether for a class, a note topic, or just for the sake of staying informed, you no doubt want to keep up with today’s current events. The BLS Library offers a wide variety of subscription news sources to the BLS community. Explore just some of the resources we have below and if you have any questions about accessing any of these sources or others, just ask a librarian at askthelibrary@brooklyn.edu. Happy newsing!!
Students and members of the BLS community are entitled to a free subscription to the NY Times. To register, go to https://nytimesineducation.com/access-nyt/, choose Brooklyn Law School from the drop-down, and then follow the instructions to register. For your initial registration, you must either be on campus or go through Brooklyn Law School’s proxy server (see Proxy Server Instructions) AND you must use your brooklaw.edu email account to register. Once you have registered, you can use your login name and password to access the site from anywhere. Each year you will need to login from on-campus or using the proxy server in order to keep your access active.
…and students and the BLS community also have access to the Financial Times! To create your FT.com account, follow the instructions at this link: https://join.ft.com/63059ceb-a0f6-4354-9471-4154de1e50da . Next, you will be sent an email with password creation info. (NOTE, there might be a delay before receiving the email). Once you have created your account, go to www.ft.com and sign in with your account details to access unlimited content and tools.
While we do not have student subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, you can access the Wall Street Journal on ProQuest and Lexis+.
Wall Street Journal: access via ProQuest (Proxy Server required) or via Lexis+ (login required).
Finally, for legal news, check out these sources below:
Law360: (access via Proxy Server) www.law360.com
Law.com: (access via Proxy Server) includes national and local news sources: www.law.com
Bloomberg Law News: (login via Bloomberg Law here)
And that’s not all! For even more resources check out our News Access Research Guide!