Content includes: Introduction to the internet and web browsers — Reliability and admissibility of information from the internet — How to search the web: search engines and directories — Other favorite search engines and meta-search sites — Finding older versions of web pages that have been deleted or revised — Free investigative research resources: to locate and background people — Finding experts and verifying their credentials — Locating and backgrounding attorneys, judges, and other legal professionals — Pay investigative research databases — Using the internet for substantive legal research — Free online case law databases — Free “member benefit to lawyers” online legal research databases: case law and more — Cite checking cases — Internet sites for governmental resources — Dockets — Finding legal web sites that are topic-, jurisdiction-, or format-specific — How to cite resources on the internet.
Internet Research
Brooklyn Law School Library has added to its collection The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet: Conducting Effective Free Investigative & Legal Research on the Web by Carole A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch (Call # KF242.A1 L48 2012), a 520 page book that shows how to be a cyber-detective and unearth information that was once only available to professional researchers from expensive, fee-based sources for free on the Internet on the Web. The book includes numerous examples based on real world research scenarios. This book can help investigators find information fast and free. For the beginning searcher, the book covers many overlooked features of Web browsers, the “mechanics” of navigating the Internet, and basic research strategies and tools. For “power searchers,” the book covers advanced search strategies and tip and tricks for getting the most out of many of the sites.