New Homepage Law Library of Congress

The Law Library of Congress has a new homepage which is less text heavy, easier to scan, and includes a highlights carousel. Two of the most used products, and the Guide to Law Online, are prominently displayed.  The @LawLibCongress Twitter stream is now on the homepage in the right column.  The new homepage compliments the enhancements made in June that widened the page layout and improved search by adding metadata and related facets. For more on the June update, see the June 6 post from the official blog of the Library of Congress, In Custodia Legis, Latin for “in the custody of the law,” a nod to the fact that the Law Library of Congress is a custodian of law and legislation for both the nation and the world. See the October 25 blog entry Welcome to Our New Front Door: A Revamped Homepage, for more information on the new homepage.