Legislative History Research

Patrons at Brooklyn Law School Library can access the print and electronic versions of Legal Reference Services Quarterly’s latest Volume No. 30, Issues 1 and 2 (2011), a Special Issue: Determining Legislative Intent in State Courts: Selected Methods and Sources. Two articles that relate to legislative history in jurisdictions in the metropolitan tri-state are “Connecticut Legislative History” by Janis Fusaris (of the University of Connecticut School of Law Library), 30 Legal Ref. Services Q. 17 (2011), and “Using Legislative Histories to Determine Legislative Intent in New Jersey” by Barbara H. Garavaglia (of the University of Michigan Law Library), 30 Legal Ref. Services Q. 71 (2011). Linda Holmes, Associate Librarian at Brooklyn Law School has created a LibGuide on New York State Legislative History Research briefly describes the sources that one should consult when compiling the legislative history of a New York State statute.