For those rabid sports fans, this must be an exciting time of year: the Yankees and the Phillies are getting it on in the World Series (but some of us New Yorkers who are also Mets fans aren’t sure who to root for), the NBA season started this week (although I’ve heard that the Knicks are looking forward more to the 2010 season than the 2009 season), week 8 of the NFL season begins Sunday and I’m sure there’s something going on in the NHL — I just don’t know a thing about it.
As a law student, perhaps you’ve thought of pursuing a career as a sports attorney or even as an agent (maybe you want to be the next Scott Boras). If so, below is a selective list of titles that the BLS Library has on sports and the law. Check them out when you have time; after you choose one: ___Yankees or ___Phillies to win the World Series!
Courting the Yankees: Legal Essays on the Bronx Bombers
Leveling the Playing Field: How the Law Can Make Sports Better for Fans
Sports and the Law: Major Legal Cases
Law Reviews:
Journal of Legal Aspect of Sport