Your Westlaw Password May Need Strengthening

westlaw_logoWestlaw, a Thomson Reuters company, is asking its users to update and strengthen the passwords.  This change will affect all passwords  used to log-in to  Westlaw, TWEN, and

Westlaw will require all users to have username and password called OnePass.  The majority of Brooklyn Law School (BLS) students already use OnePass to log on to Westlaw sites.

Beginning on November 1, 2009, all BLS Westlaw users  including faculty, staff and students will need to create their own OnePass account.will be asked to begin to create or update their OnePass accounts to make them secure, in an effort to meet today’s newer password security standards.

Instructions for Updating your Westlaw Account:

  • Updating Your Account Information?Click here If you are an existing member of TWEN who has already registered a Westlaw password please select this option.
  • OnePass Username requirements. At least 8 characters in length and include at least 2 of the following 4 characters:  uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals. Special characters restrictions: period ( . ), at ( @ ), hyphen ( – ), or underscore ( _ ). Email addresses are valid usernames. Must be unique from all other OnePass users. Can be saved as a cookie. Forgotten username can be emailed to user with validation of email address and answer to security question.
  • OnePass Password requirements. Follow these OnePass Password requirements. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and include at least 3 of the following 4 characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals.  Special characters restrictions: period ( . ), at ( @ ), hyphen ( – ), or underscore ( _ ). Can NOT be saved as cookie. We do NOT recommend using an email address as a password.

Password strengthening timeline for these changes are as follows:

  • November 1, 2009; Academic customers will begin to see messaging on, alerting them to the updated security requirements. Customers will have a grace period in which to create or update their OnePass account. This grace period will end on January 31, 2010..
  • January 31, 2010: All Brooklyn Law School Westlaw users will be required to either create a new OnePass account or update their existing OnePass account before they are able to log-in to

If you have specific questions as to how this impacts you, please contact our Westlaw Academic Account Manager: Stefanie Efrati.