NYLJ 100 Charts

The New York Law Journal Magazine publishes an end of the year list of the NYLJ 100 Largest Private Law Offices. At press time, the financial crisis had just hit the country resulting in some startling changes to the number of attorneys that populate New York law firms and layoffs were being announced in many of the larger firms.

Additional charts in the Magazine include:

· the NYLJ 100: The Largest Private Law Offices in New York State
· the Largest Minority-Owned Law Firms in New York State
· Attorney General, Corporation Counsel and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices
· a list of Attorney Concentration by County and
· information about the District Attorneys’ Offices in New York State

The Magazine also has a chart with statistical information on the fifteen New York State Law Schools detailing the number of Full-Time/Part-Time Students, Percentage of Minority and Women Students, Faculty/Student Ratio, Tuition Rates, and Bar Pass Rates for the July 2007 exam.