Thanks to Maria Okanska, Manager of Bibliographic Operations at BLS Library, for adding 14 new databases that many library users probably don’t know. They are:
- The Forms Catalog provides citizens and businesses with a common access point to federal agency forms. —
- Statistics gathered and projected by the United Nations regarding the world population covering 1950-2050. —
- Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System Search —
- Information on almost 35,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. — - The collection presents exact reproductions of major United Nations legal publications, including the complete collection of the United Nations treaty series. Also included are the Monthly statement of treaties and international agreements, United Nations legislative series, United Nations juridical yearbook, Official records of the First, Second, and Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea with Final Act , International Court of Justice reports, advisory opinions and orders, and more. —
- Nineteenth-century serials edition is a collection of six full-text British 19th century newspapers and journals: Monthly repository (1806-1837), Unitarian chronicle (1832-1833), Northern star (1838-1852), Leader (1850-1860), English woman’s journal (1858-1864), Tomahawk (1867-1870), and Publisher’s circular (1880-1890). Digitization was a collaboration between Arts and Humanities Research Council, Birkbeck College, King’s College London, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, the British Library, and Olive Software. The titles were chosen for their emphasis upon social issues, political reform, and women’s rights issues. —
- An information database used for trade negotiations and general research on international trade. —
- Easy Access to NIBRS: Victims of Domestic Violence allows users to analyze state-level data on victims of domestic violence based on information collected by the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). With EZANIBRSDV, users can explore the characteristics of domestic violence victims, including demographic information of the victim (age, sex, and race), victim injury, and the victim-offender relationship. —
- Records of the parliaments of Scotland to 1707. —
- Google patent search. —
- Legal information archive. —
- Illinois digital newspaper collection. —
- The WomanStats Project. —
- OECD.Stat includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member countries … access by keyword, by theme, by country via the selection of key indicators. —