Episode 035 – Conversation with Kiran Gore, Class of 2009

Episode 035 – Conversation with Kiran Gore, Class of 2009.mp3

This pod cast features BLS student Kiran Nasir Gore, Class of 2009, who won first place in the 2008 Hon. William C. Conner Intellectual Property Writing Competition sponsored by the New York Intellectual Property Law Association. Kiram discusses her note, “Trademark Battles in a Barbie Cyber World: Trademark Protection of Website Domain Names and the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act”.

The note discusses the tension between Mattel’s intellectual property rights and the public’s right to invoke the imagery of the iconic Barbie doll and examines the recent dispute between Mattel and a pornographic website using the Barbie name. “Barbie has become an American icon and taken on additional meanings and status at a societal level, attracting the attention of artists, writers, academics, and commentators in a way that is beyond the scope of Mattel’s trademark property rights,” Gore says. The note is scheduled for publication in the winter 2009 issue of the COMM/ENT, Hastings Communication and Entertainment Law Journal, Volume 28, No. 2.

Gore is currently a Notes and Comments Editor of the Brooklyn Law Review.